Mouthguard Mini

SKU: 317.07030.030

Vulnerable teeth are protected by distributing the pressure and the damage to the teeth can be limited. This preformed Brabo dental protector has a comfortable fit and is available in both a junior and senior size. Wearing a mouth protector is mandatory and can be of great importance when you get a ball or stick in your face. Junior: ± to 10 years.

Color: Trans Bl/Wh
User instructions before use
  1. Prepare a cup of boiled hot water and cold water
  2. Place the mouthguard in the pre boiled water for 30 seconds
  3. Remove the mouthguard and place in the cold water for 1 second
  4. Place the mouthguard in the mouth and firmly around the upper teeth
  5. Holding the mouthguard in mould to teeth, bite firm and gently to shape the mouthguard
  6. Replace the mouthguard back into hot water, remove after 2 seconds and place in the mouth
  7. Instantly secure the mouthguard by pressing the tongue against the back of the upper teeth and suck the mouthguard into the teeth and palate
  8. Finally, when fitting is complete, place in cold water
  9. For young people who are growing new teeth the mouthguard may require reheating and remoulding from time to time to or replace timely
  10. Inspect mouthguard visually before use. Any signs of wear replace immediately